At Cage Undefined we operate under three core values: animal rights, inclusivity and ethicality. Each describing a set of principles which we believe are necessary for a world without cruelty or oppression. We expect anyone who joins our organisation our solicits our help to be aligned with these. If you have any suggestions or questions, please contact us so we can enter into a dialogue about our differences.

This page is still a work in progress.

Animal Rights


Our definition of animals in the context of animal rights covers the entire biological kingdom Animalia. While the exact neurological implications for the animals with much simpeler structures are still unknown, we consider it ignorance to exclude them from the definition, rather than to err on the side of caution.


Animals should have the right to be utterly and completely left alone in nature to express their natural behaviour as best as possible. In the case of animals that are incapable to be returned to nature, they should have the right to receive sanctuary, while being allowed to express as much of their natural behaviour as possible. While this is the best case scenario for these animals, they are not the best circumstances for an animal in general, and these animals therefore should be prevented from breeding to avoid raising more animals into the same circumstances.


We believe that no animal should be allowed to be exploited for any reason whatsoever. However, as of now, the use of animals remains a necessity e.g. when it comes to medicine. And while we condemn the practice and encourage alternatives, we tolerate the use of these products by the individuals that are dependent on them.


Animal rights should be on the foreground of our agenda and that of our partners. This does not address its importancy relative to other causes, but simply indicates that it is a cause that we are passionate about and have decided to fight for.



No person should be treated differently for any other trait than what is directly relevant in that specific context. This includes but is not limited to race, gender identity, sexuality, age and religion.

Structural discrimination

While inclusivity as a value can be covered by our umbrella value 'ethicality', this kind of thinking is exactly the problematic result of structural discrimination. The extends of discrimination in our society are harshly underacknowledged and therefore warrant to be put on the foreground.



We should strive to, within a reasonable extent, be as sustainable as possible with the actions we take. This ranges from reducing carbon footprints, to reducing resource usage.


As long as it doesn't compromise security, we should strive to be as transparent as possible. Money flows within organisations should be public as far as possible, in addition to the decision making processes.


Care should be taken to not willingly expose the identity and actions of users to third parties that are not transparent or not responsible with how they handle this information. However, as Google's services such as Analytics and reCAPTCHA are incredibly widespread, we currently tolerate their use by other organisations.